Admins now have the ability to generate a completion report for all learners in a course. This report provides information on the status of each learner in the course, including which resources they have accessed and which resources they have not yet accessed, as well as which assessments they have passed or failed.

To download the resource completion report, follow these steps:

1. Go to Cast Editor or Courses.

2. Search for and click on your preferred course.

3. Click on the edit button next to the course name.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "See Course Block Completion Reports."

5. Click on "Generate Report" to create a new report.

If you have previously generated reports for the course, you will find a list of the previously generated reports on the Reports page. To obtain the most up-to-date report, click on "Generate Report" again.

6. Once the report is marked as READY, you can view the latest report by locating the "Download Report" button next to the date and timestamp.

The report includes a list of enrolled users, their email addresses, full names, enrollment dates, the resources in the course, and the completion status of each learner for each resource. This allows administrators to take a closer look at the status of all their enrolled users and make customized reports according to this data.