Article suggestions
Customizing your Cast LMS
Customizing your Cast LMS
Adding a banner in your Cast
Changing the Cast logo
Changing the resource and course card layout in Cast Editor
Changing the course appearance
Changing resource names
Viewing Cast Editor logs
Adding search bar in the LMS
Creating a new screen in your LMS portal
Deleting blocks in Cast Editor
Deleting a screen
Adding a screen in the navigation bar
Viewing and editing the Cast Editor for other screens
Changing the login banner in learner's portal
Changing your Cast LMS' Web favicon
Enable guest access in your Cast LMS
Setting additional profile fields for your users
Create a new catalog of resources
Removing a screen in the navigation bar
Adding Terms of Service for users to accept in learner's portal
Uploading PWA icons for your Cast
Enabling device limit for Cast LMS access
Enable auto logout from Cast LMS
Adding IP to whitelist